Infant and Children First Aid
Virtual Children First Aid (CPR-B) is an two hour course with the following information and tasks provided with live demos, question and answer periods.
$90 Per Household (Max 2 Members per household)
This course covers the following information
* Baby/Child CPR
* Defibrillation on Infants and Children
* Choking Emergencies
* Common Choking Hazards
* Allergies- What is an allergy vs anaphylactic?
* Using an Epi-pen
* Calling 911
* Concussions and Head Injuries
* Bumps, Bruises, Breaks and Burns
* Fevers and Febrile Seizures
* Crib Safety
* What is SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
* First Aid Question Answer Session
* First Aid Handout After Session